17 citazioni cult: nel dialogo, c’è anche il titolo del film. Gallery
Andrea Facchin
\"It\'s the real thing. His paintbrush painted that vanilla sky. His canvas. It was my mother\'s\".
David Ames (Tom Cruise)trad. it: \"E\' la realtà. Il suo pennello dipingeva quel cielo color vaniglia. La sua tela. Era quello di mia madre\".
\"You\'re not going. You left us once already. You can\'t go. Why did you go and fight that stupid war that had nothing to do with us. Why didn\'t you stay like the others did?\".
Grace (Nicole Kidman)trad. it: \"Tu non te ne andrai. Ci hai già lasciato una volta, non te ne puoi andare. Perché te ne sei andato a combattere quella stupida guerra, che non c\'entra nulla con noi? Perché non sei rimasto come gli altri?\"
\"I\'m Howard Hughes, the aviator\".
Howard Hughes (Leonardo DiCaprio)trad. it: \"Sono Howard Hughes, l\'aviatore\".
\"Does that answer your question?... Sincerely yours, the Breakfast Club.\"
Brian Johnson (Anthony Michael Hall)trad. it: \"Questo ha risposto alla sua domanda? Cordialmente, il Breakfast Club\".
\"How happy is the blameless vestal\'s lot? The world forgetting by the world forgot. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, each prayer accepted and each wish resigned.\"
Mary (Kirsten Dunst)trad. it: \"Com\'è felice il destino dell\'incolpevole vestale!
Dimentica del mondo, dal mondo dimenticata.
Infinita letizia della mente candida!
Accettata ogni preghiera e rinunciato a ogni desiderio\".
\"Someday we might look back on this and decide that saving Private Ryan was the one decent thing we were able to pull out of this whole godawful, shitty mess.\"
Sergente Horvath (Tom Sizemore)trad. it: \"Un giorno potremmo guardarci indietro e renderci conto che salvare il soldato Ryan è stata l\'unica cosa decente che potevamo fare in questo gran casino\".
\"We can\'t... we can\'t get in the panic room. That\'s the whole point. We have to get her to come out.\"
Junior (Jared Leto)
\"You said so yourself. There is no minority report, I don\'t have an alternate future. I am going to kill this man.\"
John Anderton (Tom Cruise)
\"On any given Sunday you\'re gonna win or you\'re gonna lose. The point is - can you win or lose like a man?\"
Tony D\'Amato (Al Pacino)
trad. it: \"Ogni domenica puoi vincere o perdere. La questione è: sei capace di fare entrambe le cose da uomo?\".
If... If we could somehow harness this lightning... channel it into the flux capacitor... it just might work. Next Saturday night, we\'re sending you back to the future!\"
Dr. Emmett Brown (Christopher Lloyd)
\"She\'ll start feeding off both the Canadian cold front... and Hurricane Grace. You could be a meteorologist all your life... and never see something like this. It would be a disaster of epic proportions. It would be... the perfect storm.\"
Todd Gross (Christopher McDonald)
\"Dr. Grant, my dear Dr. Sattler... Welcome to Jurassic Park.\"
John Hammond (Sir Richard Attenborough)trad. it.: \"Professor Grant, mia cara professoressa Sattler... benvenuti al Jurassic Park\".
\"Listen, there\'s something you should know about me... about inception. An idea is like a virus, resilient, highly contagious. The smallest seed of an idea can grow. It can grow to define or destroy you.\"
Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio)
\"Seven-six-two millimeter. Full metal jacket.\"
Private Gomer Pyle (Vincent D\'Onofrio)trad. it: \"7,62, blindatissime... Full Metal Jacket.\"
\"What the hell does everybody want with my Gran Torino?\"
Walt Kowalski (Clint Eastwood)trad. it: \"Che diavolo vorranno tutti dalla mia Gran Torino?\"