Kate Beckinsale su Harvey Weinstein: «Mi fece andare da lui quando avevo solo 17 anni»

Kate Beckinsale su Harvey Weinstein: «Mi fece andare da lui quando avevo solo 17 anni»

Qui il racconto dell'attrice di Underworld

Kate Beckinsale su Harvey Weinstein: «Mi fece andare da lui quando avevo solo 17 anni»

Qui il racconto dell'attrice di Underworld

Kate Beckinsale

L’ultima testimonianza contro Harvey Weinstein, produttore accusato in questi ultimi giorni di molestie sessuali da parte di numerose donne, viene da Kate Beckinsale, star di Underworld.

Ha raccontato l’attrice su Instagram: «Quando avevo 17 anni mi hanno chiamata per incontrare Harvey Weinstein al Savoy Hotel. Pensavo che l’incontro sarebbe stato in una stanza per le conferenze, che era una cosa molto comune. Quando sono arrivata, alla reception mi hanno detto di andare nella sua camera. Lui ha aperto la porta in accappatoio. Ero incredibilmente naive e giovane e non mi è passata per la mente che un uomo più grande, non attraente, si aspettasse che io potessi avere dell’interesse sessuale verso di lui. Dopo aver rifiutato dell’alcol, gli ho detto che il giorno dopo dovevo andare a scuola, e me ne sono andata, a disagio ma illesa».

Nel corso degli anni, l’interprete sostiene di aver rifiutato più volte di lavorare col produttore, ricevendo in cambio numerosi insulti da parte sua. «Urlava chiamandomi troia e minacciandomi». Questa cosa, ovviamente, ha rallentato la carriera della donna, che però ha sempre avuto il completo sostegno della sua famiglia.

L’invito finale di Kate? «Ricordiamoci che Harvey è l’emblema di un sistema malato, e in proposito noi abbiamo del lavoro da fare».


I was called to meet Harvey Weinstein at the Savoy Hotel when I was 17. I assumed it would be in a conference room which was very common.When I arrived ,reception told me to go to his room . He opened the door in his bathrobe . I was incredibly naive and young and it did not cross my mind that this older ,unattractive man would expect me to have any sexual interest in him .After declining alcohol and announcing that I had school in the morning I left ,uneasy but unscathed.A few years later he asked me if he had tried anything with me in that first meeting .I realized he couldn’t remember if he had assaulted me or not .I had what I thought were boundaries – I said no to him professionally many times over the years-some of which ended up with him screaming at me calling me a cunt and making threats, some of which made him laughingly tell people oh “Kate lives to say no to me .” It speaks to the status quo in this business that I was aware that standing up for myself and saying no to things,while it did allow me to feel uncompromised in myself,undoubtedly harmed my career and was never something I felt supported by anyone other than my family.I would like to applaud the women who have come forward , and to pledge that we can from this create a new paradigm where producers,managers,executives and assistants and everyone who has in the past shrugged and said ” well, that’s just Harvey /Mr X/insert name here ” will realize that we in numbers can affect real change.For every moment like this there have been thousands where a vulnerable person has confided outrageous unprofessional behavior and found they have no recourse, due to an atmosphere of fear that it seems almost everyone has been living in .I had a male friend who, based on my experience,warned a young actress who said she was going to dinner with Harvey to be careful. He received a phone call the next day saying he would never work in another Miramax film ;the girl was already sleeping with Harvey and had told him that my friend had warned her off.Let’s stop allowing our young women to be sexual cannon fodder,and let’s remember that Harvey is an emblem of a system that is sick,and that we have work to do.

Un post condiviso da Kate Beckinsale (@katebeckinsale) in data: